Why Do We Reincarnate? by Miriam A. Silver

So, why do we reincarnate?

Reincarnation is like getting rid of one set of clothing in order to don another. Reincarnation gives us the freedom to try on different lives, different personalities, different scenarios. All life is about experience - expanding our understanding, our awareness of our infinite potential. Why do we wish to explore at times such difficult life experiences, instead of choosing to stay within the confines of a dimension that can offer us ease, away from the conflict and strife we tend to associate with earth life? Each life is like a school lesson that builds upon the next and the next.

I suppose what we have come to understand, as fellow spirits in physical garb, is that we are all here to learn in order to better help those who are in need of it, just as we have needed help ourselves along the way. It is an experiment in mutualism. We may be actors upon the stage of life, however, our true nature is not an act.   It is Love - in its genuine form.

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