The Guide to the New Earth Part 2

Our conversation with Blanca Beyar continues as she discusses her new mission with the Atlantis energy, and how we are being guided at this time to expand ourselves, and allow those new possibilities for life change to occur. The time has come to cleanse away those old traumas, those stuck emotional energies and thoughts that have kept us at low frequency for so long. Change must come from within in order to revive our personal reality. Blanca Beyar, author, spiritual teacher, Shamanic Healer and Guru has a frank talk on what we need to know in order to navigate this New Earth.

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The Guide to the New Earth Part 1

We are definitely living in interesting times. Who could've known that the lives we led till now, could bring us to a point of no return? The foundation of society has changed and will continue to do so. But change must come from within, and by dealing with those deep rooted emotional traumas that have been built up over time. Blanca Beyar, author, spiritual teacher, Shamanic Healer and Guru has a frank talk on what we need to know in order to navigate this New Earth.
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Photo by Karl Anderson on Unsplash

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A Walk Through

A creative endeavor that came through back in the early part of 2020. It was during the early part of our lock down "imprisonment", and it inspired a contemplation of what it would take to move from this reality into a different one.

Can we just move through our energetic matrix and take up residence in some other dimensional level of our existence at will? Is it just that simple?



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Our Awareness of Self

Was cutting ourselves off from our intuitive abilities a way of alienating ourselves from gaining greater "knowledge"? Many secret groups or mystical cults over the centuries strived in keeping these mystical practices private to hold onto a strong connection with the higher source, and to never forget the true nature of who we all are. Are you ready to "know" who you truly are?
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Image by Alexander Belotte

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Miriam SilverComment
Mission Planet Earth Part 2

This is part 2 of our discussion with Sarah Rebecca Vine, the Healer of Healers, as we look ahead at what to expect from the new paradigm. Extraordinary events are now taking place before our eyes as old structures are breaking down and what has laid in the shadows for eons are now taking center stage. The curtains are finally being pulled away to let that light shine through.
Sarah is an empowerment coach and founder of the Soul Circle Sacred Space which is the new incarnation of what once was the Earth Angel Sanctuary.
Visit: or for more info on Sarah's work.

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The Mental Recipe

We hardly ever think about how our thoughts actually effect our personal lives, much less the world, but the far reaching effects of our energetic mental fields along with the creative imaginations that we as humans have, can be incredibly powerful. The thoughts you think and the feelings that follow them have an electromagnetic reality. Learn to consciously choose to direct those thoughts clearly to create a greater experience for you in your life.
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Miriam SilverComment
Mission Planet Earth Part 1

At our core, we are all energetic beings who come to earth to fulfill a mission. We're not always going to be fully aware but there will be signs along the way. Our guest, Sarah Rebecca Vine is here to explain what those signs are. Known as the healer of healers, Sarah has run a free Earth Angel group since 2008 to help Earth Angels and Light Workers recognize who they are and that they are not alone.

Sarah is also founder of the Soul Circle Sacred Space which is the new incarnation of what once was the Earth Angel Sanctuary.

Go to or for more info on Sarah's work.




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Our Fear Factor

Fear is one of the strongest and dis-empowering emotions that we as humans experience. It throws off our mental compass so that we no longer have the capacity to see past the grand illusion perpetrated behind that curtain. And it effects our beliefs and the truth we gravitate to. Expansion of consciousness is all important especially at this time.

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Miriam SilverComment
Halloween & Our Fascination with Death

Halloween brings thoughts of the macabre and encourages us to contemplate our beliefs of death and the afterlife. It is also the time of the year that the veil that separates us from our loved ones who have transitioned are at its thinnest. Where did some of these Halloween rituals come from? Why do we just love to dress up as beings who we fear at the same time? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Instagram @miriamasilver

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Miriam SilverComment
Our Pet Connections PT 2

The second part of our conversation about our pets takes a much more emotional turn as we consider their feelings when the time comes for them to cross over. How do they themselves handle it? Are they more ready than we are in letting go? And how do they see their roles in our lives? Join Julie Ulrich, Certified Intuitive Animal Communicator & your host, Mimi, for an enlightening talk as we take a deeper look into the minds of our furry, scaly, and sometimes feathery friends.

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Our Pet Connections PT 1

When did our soul connection to the animal kingdom get cut off from our sensory experience? Our relationship with our pets, and all animals in this realm, goes much deeper than we realize. They are healers, protectors, and remind us what unconditional love is all about.
Join Julie Ulrich, Certified Intuitive Animal Communicator & your host, Mimi, for an enlightening talk as we take a deeper look into the minds of our sometimes furry, scaly, or feathery friends.
Facebook - @julieulrichintuitive
Instagram - @julie_ulrich_intuitive
Facebook - @miriamasilver
Instagram - @miriamasilver

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Fearless Passage

The fear of death pervades every aspect of our lives, and influences the decisions that we make. We are taught in society to ignore its inevitability and to talk in whispers whenever the topic is raised in conversation. How can we create a bridge of understanding that allows us to transition from here fearlessly and in full awareness that this is not the end? Commentary by Mimi, host of RevUP & Awaken.

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Inner Exploration Thru the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop. It's been used for generations by various Native American tribes for health, healing, and communicating with our ancestors. What benefits would it offer to us in our present time?
Rev. Maria D'Andrea, European Shaman, author, and public speaker joins us for a look at the use of the medicine wheel. Visit her website at or call her @ (631) 559-1248
Visit for additional programs on topics like these.

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Let's Do the Quantum Leap

According to many, we live in a multi-verse of many alternate realities. Each one of these realities exist side by side giving glimpses into other possibilities - endless probabilities for each lifetime. How do we get there, you might ask? Let's find out.
Rev. Maria D'Andrea is author of Travel the Waves of Time, visit or call her @ (631) 559-1248 for additional programs on topics like these.

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Miriam SilverComment
Lizzie Borden - The Victorian Times of Repression & Silence PART 2

We continue our discussion with author, Kimbra Eberly on her new book - Inadmissible: The Case of Lizzie Borden and Other Murderous Women. How repressed were women back in what many might consider to be "the good ol' days"? It might have looked simple and gentile in those illustrated articles of the times, but could there have been darker over tones to Victorian life that we don't know about? And could this have been Lizzie's way of lashing out?
Preorder your book today - visit
Visit for shows and articles on paranormal & spiritual topics. Check out our other shows on RevUP & Awaken.

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Miriam SilverComment
Lizzie Borden - The Victorian Times of Repression & Silence PART 1

One of the most sensationalized murder cases in history still baffles the minds of die hard mystery buffs . Author, Kimbra Eberly discusses her new book, Inadmissible: The Case of Lizzie Borden and Other Murderous Women. What could bring a prim and proper churchgoing lady to murder her father and step mother in cold blood on a very hot day in 1892? Listen in to Part 1 as we take a stroll back to that era and try to figure out ourselves Who Dun It!
Preorder your book today! Visit
Visit for shows and articles on paranormal & spiritual topics. Check out our other shows on RevUP & Awaken.

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Miriam Silver Comment
What Path Does Light Take

We all come to our Spiritual awakening in many different ways. Some who are light workers will suddenly find themselves drawn to psychic, healing work to help in expanding the consciousness of others. This heals the psychic as well as the one looking for answers from the psychic. In order to raise our vibration we need to understand what is preventing us from moving on, and the best way to release these energies to lead us down a more joyous path in life.
Our guest is Anna Bella, healer and psychic advisor. Contact her @ to book a FREE 15 minute discovery call.
Visit for videos, articles & podcast shows, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Graphic from Unsplash

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Bullying & Its Emotional Damage

Bullying has spread to so many new forms with the growth of technology in our day to day lives. Bullying leads to emotional scarring that can continue through ones adult life. Join Mimi and her guest, Maureen Mahoney Fitzpatrick, a Staten Island advocate who lost her son in 2016 as a result of school bullying. Maureen is currently pushing ahead with a bill to help save the lives of others experiencing this same issue. Visit

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Miriam SilverComment